Sleep Agent Part 6: Kill Switch

Sleep agents are created to do damage, this damage is hidden and long lasting. The discovery of the damage done is not ment to be noticed until it is too late.

The idea of a sleep agent is to be a saboteur, doing damage without being noticed, while acting as an friendly individual.

There is many ways to do damage, the typical idea would be to damage equipment, but it is also possible to damage communication and the reputations of individuals, sometimes this is called psyop (psycological opposition).

After the damage has been done, the sleep agent tends to kill themselves, the idea behind this is so that the damage done can never be known, this makes it harder to recover from the damage done, this is known as a kill switch.

A kill switch normally is triggered by a phrase, a particular sound or an particular image, causing an agent that has completed their mission or been compromised to kill themselves, this is so stop them revealing what they have done and who for.

There are other forms of sleeper agent kill switches, for example, if a sleeper agent created by their country manages to damage to their own country by accidentally being activated in their own country while in testing, a certain set of phrases can reveal the damage they have done, this is to ensure the safety or the original country the sleep agent was created for.

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