The ghost frequency

Just as mood can effect body movements and motion, sound frequency can have an effect on moods via the vibration of the skin to simulate a signal that the body would normally do in situation.

Certain frequencies can stimulate the fluctuating body moments that can come with fear and anxiety, through certain resonant frequencies the slight jitters that the body experiences can be close to the same jitters of fear or anxiety.

A person with great mind to body training and emotional training can detect when a signal like this is simply a reaction of the body from an external source or an internal reaction caused by the mind.

A frequency just below human hearing can produce the effects of fear, dread, anxiety and can effect the breathing, frequencies that resonates with this can increase the effects.

This frequency can be produced from a natural environments where sound can travel and get distorted by structures to this frequency creating building that feel haunted. 

This is why this frequency is known as the ghost frequency, this frequency is also know by other names like the fear frequency, named after to the feelings it can produces.

The ghost frequency fall just below the range of normal hearing but maybe heard by some people as a very low droning sounds, the human hearing range tends to be above 20 Hertz, but in very rare cases a very number people can hear it.

The ranges of which some of the other frequency can effect the body fall below 20 Hertz.

People use this frequency range for monitoring earthquakes and volcanoes, charting rock and petroleum formations below the earth.

Natural events can produce infrasonic sound for example severe weather, ocean waves, avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes, waterfalls, icebergs, meteors, and thunder.

Large animals are a known to produce infra sound through walking and stamping the ground producing a rippling vibration.

Sound vibrations can travel through object at a higher speed the denser they are, in air sound travel slower, but is dependent on air pressure, in water ripples the pressure in the water.

Sound can have other effects on physical material, for example a standing wave can levitate materials in the air on a generated air pressure bubble from multiple speakers.

A singer can vibrate glass and smash it when hitting the right note, cause the glass to resonate, low flying super sonic jets can generate enough air pressure to shatter older windows, and most of a damage and pushing of an explosion come from the air pressure change rippling out before the fire itself has a change to hit.

Temperature can also effect air and liquid pressure, which effect the flow of a wave in that, this can also have a slight effect on the different frequencies travelling through it, air and liquid temperature effects the density and motion of flow within that medium, thus effecting the frequency of a ripple of pressure travelling through it.

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