Controlling the input or the processing of the data controls the output.
To put emotions into a separate box to logic is irrational, emotions were created after millions of years of evolution to protect an individual from the environments and provide an extra level to social interaction for the survival of a species interacting with itself and other species.
Adrenaline is a major part of survival and is found in most animals on the planet, found within most predators and prey alike, also known as the fight or flight response in the brain when a person or animal is under threat.
The emotions that go along with it such as anger, aggression or fear is a natural subliminal calculation of survival. The added level of pain inhibitors also allow for short term resistance to automated pain reflexes, to attempt to overpower possible damages done in needing to survive.
Certain exercises such as breathing exercises can allow the brain to take the time to bring these calculation to the liminal, the conscious level, this can highlight this information in the mind on a more noticeable level.
Bringing these thought from the subconscious to the conscious, allows better calculations with lessening the lack of control over natural automation to conscious controlled action, while removing the narrowing of tunnel vision that comes with adrenaline widens the perspective of situation allowing the brain process more with a larger processing area which allows a person to have a better grasp of a situation.
Adrenaline in positive situations, for example the fear of going on a theme park ride can be felt, and after the ride, a happy buzz of a rush, as no pain or major threat is inflicted.
The happiness that people feel is normally down to a form of social interaction, and for some personal interaction with objects. An example of this telling jokes or finishing a personal creation.
Emotions such as sadness has route cause in reality, even if the reason is unknown from a lack of understanding. Dark emotions tend to have a source in one or many event.
This is also including the natural biological cycles in moods from such things as bi-polar and the female menstruation period, which has a basis in reality in the physical body and naturally changes the biochemistry within the brain effecting moods.
The physical body itself can increase and decrease cyclically on chemical that have an effect directly on the state of mind including emotion.
Situation involving external sources are best for determining emotions, general depression tends to show a large build up of external events, normally involving multiple sources over an individual sources.
Working through these individual sources can alleviate this emotion drain, and such sources of depression become harder to pinpoint when lots of smaller events are having an effect over the overall emotion of a person.
Each individual sources of trauma can be looked apon in much more detail to find a ways to protect from future traumatic events effecting emotional states.
Looking apon a memory allows and individual to analyse that memory, this although looking into the past is done in the here and now.
Understanding that memories can save the emotions of an event in the memory itself, it is wise to look apon memories without emotion.
Further emotionally linking the viewing of memories themselves rather than viewing the emotion in the memory itself as simply saved data for viewing can make a memory more traumatizing to analyse for further understanding where similar future events arise.
Typically worried about certain things tend to be routed in survival or where one stands society, a typical worry is money and what it is mainly needed for in a society, the survival aspect of nature within societies working, money is traded for basic needs of nature, for example food, water and shelter.
So typically where a easy to carry resource with an agreed apon value in society, the working of the society with it, for example doing work or a service in exchange for this resource, and exchanging goods, acquiring such a resource become apparent needs for the average person.
This one light resource to trade with becomes the major need to easily exchange for survival, replacing more natural aspect which farmers and people more related to the countryside, where growing food, picking fruit and vegetables is closer to home.
The social aspects of living environment is also important, an example of this is being well rested due to peace or being sleep deprived due to noise keep a person awake at night, or being over worked.
Living environment also extends into the work place, and a good working environment can provide a more fulfilling and productive day. Enjoying while earning what is needed to survive.
Work enjoyment mainly come from the attitude of the people in the work place, and the furfillment of work being done, providing good feedback is returned by customers, employees and others employed about the work being done.
Knowing individual likes and dislikes when is comes to personality traits and activities are important to knowing what activities a person enjoys doing and what type of people a person like being around.
This information helps to analyse a negative emotion when studying the environments for which a an effect on emotions may arise.
Emotions the come from interactions between people and yourself can also provide and understanding to an emotion feeling. Most things can be cleared up in the mind with conversation, but other forms of language can apply, like body language.
A problem with this is that false information can also be provided, making some situation less clear. Finding multiple sources of data is important to increase perspective and understanding of an events or situations.
Just as equally as acquiring information, sharing information on your likes and dislikes allows person to better understand you. Knowing other like and dislikes allows you to understand them. When a problem arises and little information is provided, it is harder to avoid that problem in future. When information is provided, adjustments can be made.
When the essential to survival is based on a central focus like money, then it is treated as a universal resource, and when entertainment is also bundled in with the use of this resource, it is easy to assume that higher incomes equals more happiness, when this is not exactly true.
Studies have shown that after a certain level of income, happiness did not increase but started to drop off, once secured in living and entertainment, money becomes less relevant in adding more to life.
Once you have reached a peak in income and live comfortably, it begins to get harder to add more to your life that is worth while other than experience itself.
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