A sophisticated criminal organisation has revealed its activities about DNA theft and how they use the next victims DNA to cover their murder spree.
A criminal gang has explained how they obtain DNA from both living and dead victims of their organisation to frame individuals to avoid blame themselves.

They would take the hair of individuals that cut their hair in their own home, rummaging through the rubbish to steal letter, paperwork aswel as hair for DNA.
Some of the gang members would goto excessive measures of implanting hair into their own head while using letters and paperwork to steal the identity of a victim, one of the gang members particularly used victims hair to make wigs.
Some would use this to cover their own trail in a crime spreading hair about on a crime scene.
Hair is not the only form of DNA this gang has attempted to steal, teeth, blood, excrement, and seminal fluid have also been the target.
Two gang members explained that they have even attempted to steal seamen from a victim while they was drugged to frame a person.
One other gang member has described they have tried stealing blood through the medical system, activating as a medical staff taking blood samples.
An another gang member describes chipping off victims teeth and leaving them at crime scenes.
Excrement can be acquired from simply not flushing a toilet, or unfinished faecal matter.

When asked why a person would want to implant another persons DNA the response was to steal a large amount of assets due to an individual when the person is killed and the body disposed of.
Normally the gang would take DNA from a living victim to frame but would also take DNA from a victim they have killed and then dispose of the body.
To avoid a connection between gang members, one gang member would steal the DNA, while another would commit the crime of murder.
The DNA of a living person is then used on the next crime scene to frame the next victim they wish to remove through the criminal justice system, or use the DNA from a dead person which would be known as missing to the family that is reported to criminal justice system as a missing person.
The DNA of a missing person on a crime scene may take a long time to investigate as the person may seem like they have run away and the police may have to spend time looking for someone who may already be dead if not found.
An individuals life can be destroyed when framed in such a manner being that DNA is substantial piece of evidence.
Depending on the severity of the crime this can leave long lasting damage to a persons reputation of people not involved in the crime what so ever.
Forensics policing can be improved by taking multiple samples of different types of DNA, rather than a single type of DNA, such as hair on a crime scene, hair it self can be taken in the easiest manner and used on a crime scene.
The age of the DNA sample is important compared to the date of the crime scene, it is also advised to take multiple DNA samples from a suspect to detect DNA theft.
Hair is also the one of the longest lasting body parts that contain DNA and can move around the easiest, it is the easiest to acquire, and large amounts of hair on a crime scene is unlikely to be apart of the scene, if placed in large amounts or scattered about apon a scene.
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