Facial recognition in the military

Facial recognition has many uses in many areas already in identifying individual in many industries, but can be used to better apply in weaponized law enforcement and military situation involving hostage rescues and casualty reduction while protecting innocent victims and allies.

A weapons safety is very important in all weaponized areas of societies, and the safety reasons of weapons are heavily considered in all weapons creations.

The safety of a weapon is highly down to a manual control, and extra automated defense system can be applied to such creations to bring a larger amount of safety when it comes to reducing casualties among allies and innocents in law enforcement and war.

The utmost importance should be applied to manually shutting off these measure at the most fundamental level allowing full control to the human element, not to allow automation to take control by any means.

Adding an automatic safety locking system already onto of the manual weapon safety many enforcement use already can add and extra level of security and safety to a weapon system.

It is at the upmost importance to adding and automated locking system is the ability to override such feature to avoid the danger of being unarmed in a situation involving and needing a weapon.

With a simple CPU, camera, facial recognition software, and a separate safety system locking a weapon with an ability to override this system, a law enforcement or military agency involving weapons can avoid casualties to innocents and allies.

With many gun offering a selection of options when it comes to automated fire, burst fire and single shot fire, this facial recognition system can offer an "enemy only fire", to hit specific targets, "enemy and neutral fire" for a situation with unknown enemies, not being allies, and a "full override" system, for when the system has errors or when enemies maybe insurgents within allied forces.

This system not only offers safety to minimize casualties, but still offer the individual reasoning in a situation beyond simple facial recognition and automated control.

In a very simple bank robbery scenario, when the bank cameras can offer facial information, a law enforcement agency can run in with more of a spray and pray tactical approach, knowing that the weapons will detect innocent and enemy targets based on facial features from the cameras data within the bank.

In a war scenario, all allies on a database can be protected from harm without threats of energies or neutral unknown targets being a threat, minimizing allied casualties in a slightly more complicated scenario.

In the slightly more rare situation of upholding the law in a weaponized situation when insurgency, rogues units, hackers and other false allied are involved, the ability to disable or removed the automated system is just as important.

The manual decision of a situation involving human life should be upheld fully by the human element involved and should not be fully overridden by automation in any way shape or form, even when it comes to safety, the ability for an insurgency in the digital realm to hack a device should also be considered.

Other military and armed forces can gather more information from a battle other than the usual cameras worn apon clothing through these systems. Being a digital system is involved in the locking process of the gun firing, photographic evidence can be acquired easily with very little storage data involved.

Although its very well known that digital cameras systems can provide a better source of information gathering, it is less well known that digital cameras can provide a better focus and zoom, bringing a far off object into easier focus with natural eye.

Traditional lenses focus poses individual problems over longer ranges based on the individuals eyes natural lenses, an exceptions to this is naturally long range sighted individual.

Other automated systems can be added to a digital camera scope including better range finding abilities and bullet drop off calculations for longer ranges, and auto zooming and focusing on targets.

One of the automated system expected to come as standard is knowing the difference between allies, shown with a green square or cross hairs, neutral targets, shown with a grey square or cross hair, and enemies shown in red.

Due to the digitization of much of our lives, due to mobile phone and computer screen used after a computer and book education, people who are long range sighted over short range sighted is decreasing.

This safety systems can be further made safe with remotely disabling a target that has access to this automated systems with little knowledge from system, not including the natural human element of disabling this system for overall safety from hackers.

Very little artificial intelligence is needed for such a system to functions or the ability to disable it with a manual override. The artificial intelligent element of the of the facial reconstruction is a such secondary element of the overall system when it comes to the human elements of combat, offering fully functional control to fire should always be an important override.

The artificial intelligent part should only be effecting the safety and not the firing, and with weapons like the EMP grenade, and skills existing in hacking, a manual override is very import 

This article is about avoiding automated war warfare, and focusing on weapon safety in general, and the options available to added extra safety feature to current modern technology, without removing current safety measures already in place.

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